Dry needling is predominantly used in musculoskeletal and sports injuries, whereas acupuncture is used in musculoskeletal conditions and a vast number of other conditions as well affecting every system of the body. So dry needling might be described as one of the many techniques that an acupuncturist uses.
Some examples of times when dry needling might commonly be used:
- Muscle trauma caused by strain, injury or direct impact
- Unfamiliar movements or new workouts that your muscles aren’t used to
- Being immobile for long periods of time, such as wearing a cast or workers in sedentary lines of work
Learning acupuncture takes several years, with over 650 hours of training before a practitioner is registered as an acupuncturist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Acupuncturists adhere to strict professional codes of conduct that include mandatory continuing professional development. In addition, being the primary methodology used in our practice means thousands of hours of clinical practice, refinement of technique, and a passion for using this method to help hundreds of patients every year, not as an adjunct to treatment but as a core pillar.
Shannon is fully qualified and registered with AHPRA, a member of ANTA, and is covered by all major funds for private health insurance rebates on acupuncture consultations.
If you have a musculoskeletal issue or any chronic pain, talk to us about how acupuncture and dry needling might help you. If you would like to learn more about dry needling and how it can benefit you, get in touch with us. Our practitioners also provide appointments for Chinese cupping, gua sha massage, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, and naturopathy.