At Blue Wren Acupuncture, we provide acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, and dry needling.
We have a particular focus on supporting those who are undergoing fertility or IVF treatments, and during pregnancy to help manage symptoms such as morning sickness, people with pain and associated symptoms of depression or fatigue, and also people needing support with stress. In addition, as a family-friendly practice we see a very broad range of patients and are most happy to chat first about your needs and whether may be able to help you.
Ultra-fine and smooth sterile needles are carefully and gently inserted into acupuncture points. In doing so, acupuncture seeks to re-establish the free flow of “Qi”, sometimes called life-force or energy, to restore balance and stimulate the body’s own natural healing response.
At Blue Wren Acupuncture Clinic, our passion is about supporting and encouraging others to achieve their goals, including both physical and better mental health. The beauty of taking this kind of holistic approach is that we seek to understand the individual and design treatments that suit you from head to toe. Importantly, we take the time to explain what we are doing and why – so that you feel empowered to take steps to improve your health for the long term.
Blue Wren Acupuncture has been servicing the Sandringham area in south-eastern Melbourne since 2017.
If you would like to learn more about acupuncture in Sandringham or any of our other services and how it can benefit you, get in touch with us.
If you would like to learn more about acupuncture in Sandringham or our other services and how they can benefit you, get in touch or book a complimentary 10-minute discovery call.
Shop is temporarily closed from 12 September to 20 September and any orders received during that time will be shipped upon our return. Apologies for any inconvenience.